Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Side Effect Of Drug Therapy - 1800 Words

With so many concerned about the side effect of drug therapy it led to many seeking alternative treatments such as cognitive therapy. This is when the patient talks to someone else when they have one of their episodes they can calm down and begin associating that memory with other things making the memory fade and replacing its trigger with something positive(therapeutic recreational journal). Another therapy that is commonly talked about is the eye movement desensitization therapy( EMDT). EDMT is eight phase treatment in which the psychologist helps the patient target a painful memory such as being in war and seeing things that emotionally scared the individual and studies the eye movements that happened when talking about the painful†¦show more content†¦By going out of a limb there are more and more types of therapies that are being tested and proven to help those that suffer from PTSD. PTSD is diagnosed through the statistical manual of mental disorders that is published by the American psychiatric association. The DSM-5 asks a series of questions that you base on your experiences from the previous two weeks since you ve taken the test. Some of the question are things such as â€Å"have you had little interest in doing things such or are you sleeping less than usual?†, and â€Å"are you drinking more than usual or taking any unprescribed medication?† All post traumatic stress disorder patients must experience these three different types of symptoms: re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance and numbing symptoms, and arousal symptoms. Re-experiencing symptoms are symptoms that involve reliving the traumatic event that is causing memories that are effecting you daily life.This is a required symptom in order to be truly diagnosed with PTSD, because if the memory only reoccurs a couple of times then it no longer effects you it is said just to be normal memory e ven though at the time it seemed traumatic it does not have the same effect as PTSD on the brain. There are many things that could cause PTSD, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Even though many believe that you must experience the trauma the effect of watching something so traumatic happen to someone else can have the

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