Friday, December 27, 2019

Mobile Brain / Body Imaging - 1650 Words

My topic is mobile brain/body imaging. As my presentation, mobile brain/body imaging(MoBI) is a general research approach that embraces a variety of hardware and software solutions like EEG to record and analyze brain dynamics in actively behaving participants, while traditional brain imaging approaches do not allow for any kind of movement. There are two type of lightweight and mobile sensors like electroencephalography (EEG) or near infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) using in MoBI approach. While fNIRS lacks high temporal resolution that is desirable investigating fast cognitive process, EEG which provides necessary temporal resolution is preferred to be used in a MoBI approach. [1] What’s more, recent investigations using MoBI have demonstrated that equivalent dipole reconstruction of independent components(ICs) as decomposed by independent component analysis (ICA) allow for reconstructing the origin of EEG activity with reasonable spatial accuracy. Therefore, such a MoBI approac h will be considered as aspects of cognitive activity associated with the accomplishment of a task in the future study. First MoBI studies investigated participants walking and running on a treadmill and clearly demonstrated that brain activity can be analyzed under such conditions. However, walking is a highly symmetric recurrent behavior that does not include fast movements associated with jerk. Stereotyped movements like walking further allow for extracting templates of artifacts based onShow MoreRelatedInternet Usage Addiction1079 Words   |  4 Pagesinternet is also tied to some health concerns one of them being depression. Heavy use of the internet results in various mental problems on individuals. Studies have shown that over usage of the internet by teenagers disrupts the brains’ nerve wiring causing a level of brain damage normally seen in individuals who abuse heavy substances. 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As the disease increases and gets more severe, the amount of dopamine produced decreases which is when a person typically relies on medications to help controlRead MoreComputers in the World of Healthcare1259 Words   |  6 Pagescomputer to view or send by email. The medical field uses different kind of input devices to ensure the best patient care. This means that information is inputted in to the computer by an input device. An x-ray sends individual particles through the body to be able to take a picture. This picture is then recorded on a computer or film to view. The x-ray uses a computer program the recreates the internal structure of the patient. A CT-scan also produces an image with the same computer program. PatientRead MoreLasting Effect Of Marketing On Children Essay1623 Words   |  7 Pagesexposed highest to fast food media marketing and those years are critical stages of development as this forms their eating habits for adulthood. 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Bullying is used to describe intentional, aggressiveRead MoreHealthcare Communication As A Result Of Mobile Health Technology921 Words   |  4 PagesHow healthcare communication as a result of Mobile Health Technology Characterized as the â€Å"Digital Age,† modern technologies are flooding every aspect of our lives and completely transforming healthcare communication. Healthcare technologies have revolutionized information gathering, research, treatments and communication in healthcare. The invention of â€Å"Smart Phones, tablets, and computers† has changed health care communication because more than 60% of Americans own a smartphone and 42% of theseRead MoreHow Catch A Criminal : Instruments And Techniques Used For Investigations1651 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen executed. (Valier., C, 1998) This means that more than one measure has been taken into account on how to solve cases. Investigations can now be seen as more than simply catching a criminal, but more on the study of science when dealing with dead bodies and can even include a brief historical look on photography and how it plays a role. Crimes are indeed untold mystery stories in which investigators are prone to find the author. For example, a huge discovery that incorporated ForensicRead MoreHuman-Chimpanzee Divergent Genetics Essay2008 Words   |  9 Pagesfunction. The nucleotide bases that make up DNA are complementarily transcribed into RNA, edited and altered, and translated into proteins. These proteins then function as building blocks for an organism’s body, or as construction workers to actually build and maintain the function of the body. Because human and chimpanzee genomes are more than 98.5% identical at loci that code for proteins, a U.S. research team theorized that it was not likely for the extreme differences between humans and chimpanzees

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Common Concern Throughout The Victorian Era - 2100 Words

A common concern throughout the Victorian era was the role women maintained and their position in society. It was expected that both males and females conformed to these roles and followed the gender expectations of their society. Bram Stoker s Dracula describes a post dated European setting in which most women are subject to explicit gender roles and stereotypes. The norm in this society is for women to be modest, prim and proper. However, the novel narrates the possibilities of a situation in which women don t conform and thus are scrutinized. Bram Stoker s purpose in Dracula is to express the threat faced by men when encountering women who are in control of their sexuality and the power that is accompanied with that control. This is†¦show more content†¦When the men are reflecting on the woman Lucy used to be, Jack Seward comments that [they] recognized the features of Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cr uelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness (Stoker, 195). Seward uses very different extreme words to contrast Lucy s character before and after her transition. The words sweetness and purity are associated with the once pure, modest Lucy and the terms adamantine, heartless cruelty and voluptuous wantonness are associated with the new, profoundly sexual Lucy. Seward s descriptions of Lucy indicate that the men are concerned because she too was sexually expressive and that poses a threat to the patriarchal beliefs and values that were set in stone in this era. The author also uses repetition of Lucy s name, Lucy Westenra emphasizing that while the name is still the same, everything else about her is completely different. It is evident that Seward, along with other men are more inclined to perceive modest women more positively than women who are not. As a result of adversely characterized women, Stoker is able to use juxtaposition to convey how men feel about women and their sexu alities. Bram Stoker uses this element of form when Jonathan comes across the beautiful women in the forbidden section of the castle. Jonathan says I am alone in the castle

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Plan For Invetex Funding Pvt Ltd -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Plan For Invetex Funding Pvt Ltd? Answer: Introducation Invetex Funding looks to provide widespread mortgage broking services. The company will concentrate on giving out specialised and personalised services to meet the desires of every client. The company has their office located in the core business area location in Sydney and therefore has been able to connect with the prospective clients and the other financial industries. The key objectives of the company involves: Becoming profitable by serving the investment opportunities in the real estate and thereby becoming available in the swift growing economy. Construct a firm and solid corporate recognition in the distinct target market segment Establish themselves as one of the top broking company by the end of 2nd Gain a positive return on investment within the firm 11 months. Situational Analysis The situational analysis involves the assessment of the environment where Invetex operates and the assessment of the market would be possible by taking assistance of the various mechanisms that are as follows: SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis comprises of the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of Invetex and they are given as follows: Strengths The internal strength involves the experience of Mr. Steve Mayson who has been associated in this line of business for the past 10 years or more. He has sufficient knowledge about this line of business and can extensive advises to them. The other two employees have sufficient expertise and knowledge as well and and thereby are able to provide extensive services. Weakness The weakness associated with the company includes the fact that the company and their employees are not updated with the changing market scenario and the changes in the tastes and preferences of the clients. This detracts the company from their success. Opportunities The opportunity involves establishing themselves as one of the renowned mortgage broking company as the demand of mortgage firm is higher in the market and the availability of quality mortgage firm is limited (Kohn and Sagner 2016). Threats The threat that is associated to the company involves the rise in the rate of interest for home loans and a downfall in the real estate business that can hamper their sales and revenue as well. PESTLE Analysis The PESTLE analysis is helpful in evaluating the external factors that may have an impact on the operational services of the company. The analysis has been put forth as follows: Political: The changes in the rate of tax and industry regulation can have an impact on the business. However, in the current scenario, there are no such regulations and policies that have changed and therefore the company can function in a precise manner. Economic: The economy of Australia has been functioning effectively and therefore no such changes and have taken place that would have an effect on the operations of the business (Hope 2016). The rate of inflation in the economy is within the limit as well. Social: The society plays a key role in the development of the business. In Australia, demand for the purchase of house has been expanding as the teenage population of the country has been settling themselves and therefore are looking to mortgage in order to purchase a house for themselves. Technology: The introduction of new and improved technologies have been an influential factor for the company in order to maintain their competitive edge. The company has installed innovative back office processing platforms and software that compares the lenders and thereby easing their level of work and performance. Legal: There are no such legal issues that is persistent in the mortgage broking business but there are laws in that can accuse the firm if they do not provide services according to the payment they receive. Environment: The business environment is a healthy and prospective one and the company can grow and establish themselves with the help of their effective operational services. Marketing Goals Invetex Funding provides enhanced quality mortgage broking services to the business and the residential clients. The aim of the firm is to provide the clients with reasonable mortgage rates at fair prices and keeping the clients aware and informed during the time of process (Ryan 2016). The company would look to be the mentor and friend to their clients and even being quality service givers. Invetex provides enhanced value to their customers and extensive rewards to their employees and the owner. The company has the desire of increasing their conversion rate of enquiry to settlement to around 60% by the end of the first year. Within the next 12 months, Invetex would like to have a positive return on investment and make a corporate recognition in the market Favara. and Giannetti 2017). Invetex looks to increase their number of clients and wants to maintain 40% of the mortgage seeking business. The business wants to increase their staff member and looks to bring in 15 new employees. Marketing Ideas The marketing idea of Invetex involves constructing an effective market strategy with the help of which the company can penetrate the market by concentrating handling the lending volume of the customers that is existent in the market (Wirtz, Tuzovic and Ehret 2015). Development of the market is possible by assisting the customers with existing services and even offering new services like advice towards products and services and thereby expanding their business. Diversification is another key aim for the business as the company tries to dig in to various other mortgage services by incorporating new products into the market (Plouffe et al. 2016). Market segmentation is even undertaken by the business by focusing on the target market and discover the potential client. Invetex has discovered that their prospective clients are teenagers who are transitioning to the next phase. They are the ones who are getting established in their carer and are newly married or would be marrying in the coming years. They are in seek for house loans as they want to purchase their own house for which they require loans. The market positioning of the business is even critical and Invetex has positioned themselves as a provider of any kind of real estate mortgage services. They have a healthy relationship with the financial organizations and thereby are able to suggest the best service to their clients. The company has an effective marketing strategy as the price of the service is reasonable and is below par to the rival companies (Johnson and Peterson 2014). They look to promote their business with the help of social media and internet. The word of mouth promotion is even an extensive strategy for Invetex. Development of Professional Relationship The development and maintenance of professional relationship is one of the key aspects with the help of which Invetex can stay alive in the market. The company has skilled employees who maintain cordial relationship with their clients and even with the financial industries with the help of which concerns about both the parties can be known and accordingly plans can be constructed. The company looks to be patient and listen to the aspects that have been put forth by their clients so that a proper idea can be ascertained and accordingly services can be given. Prospecting for clients The prospects of the clients is what they desire. Therefore, Invetex has various attractive offers and discounts on their service packages and even offers various new line of product and services. The after consultation service is even provided by Invetex in which the existing loans are monitored and maintenance of loan process is effectively maintained. Client Retention The retention of the client is undertaken by Invetex by offering value to the customers. The value given to the customers would be based on the desire of the customers and meeting them (Aksoy et al. 2016). Invetex even looks to offer effective personalised benefits and features that would be their unique selling proposition thereby satisfying their clients. Invetex tries to maintain a personal relationship with their clients so that they become free in sharing their feelings with the help of which the company is able to construct customised services to the customers. The provision of rewards and gifts during special occasions to the clients influences the customers from being loyal and thereby increasing customer loyalty and competitive edge in the economy. Summary The business plan that is constructed for Invetex Funding Ltd is an effective framework with the help of which the company establish themselves in the Australian market and become one of the renowned mortgage broking firm in Australia. Reference List Aksoy, L., Keiningham, T.L., Buoye, A. and Ball, J., 2016. Relative Value and Customer Choice in Loan Decisions: An Application of the Wallet Allocation Rule.Journal of Creating Value,2(1), pp.92-108. Favara, G. and Giannetti, M., 2017. Forced asset sales and the concentration of outstanding debt: evidence from the mortgage market.The Journal of Finance,72(3), pp.1081-1118. Hope, W., 2016. Time, communication and financial crisis. InTime, Communication and Global Capitalism(pp. 149-164). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Johnson, D. and Peterson, M., 2014. Consumer financial anxiety: US regional financial service firms trust building response to the financial crisis.International Journal of Bank Marketing,32(6), pp.515-533. Kohn, D. and Sagner, J.S., 2016. Residential Mortgages and Public Policy: What to do with Fannie and Freddie?.Business and Society Review,121(1), pp.161-183. Plouffe, C.R., Bolander, W., Cote, J.A. and Hochstein, B., 2016. Does the customer matter most? Exploring strategic frontline employees influence of customers, the internal business team, and external business partners.Journal of Marketing,80(1), pp.106-123. Ryan, S.G., 2016. Discussion of Were Information Intermediaries Sensitive to the Financial Statement?Based Leading Indicators of Bank Distress Prior to the Financial Crisis?.Contemporary Accounting Research,33(2), pp.607-615. Wirtz, J., Tuzovic, S. and Ehret, M., 2015. Global business services: Increasing specialization and integration of the world economy as drivers of economic growth.Journal of Service Management,26(4), pp.565-587.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Teamwork and Work Force Diversity Essay Example

Teamwork and Work Force Diversity Essay Would you Identify and describe the various existing types of groups and teams In your organization? How do you identify If these groups or teams are effective as a work group? Explain the meaning of this sentence, All teams are groups, but not all groups are teams. How do you comment to this Speed, Teamwork and Flexibility are the order of the day. How do you manage the On-site-Teams as well as Virtual Teams? How do you address or manage a Self-Managed Work Team? Explain how do you foster teamwork? What is your impression of the importance of teamwork in work setting (restaurant, permanent, fast food chain, etc) What programs/trainings have you established to promote teamwork in your organization. How do you handle work force diversity in the team members composition such as gender, religion, age, culture, disabilities, ethnic groups, etc. What do you do to improve teams processes, communications and decisions? How do you address Inter-Team Competition to make them good and effective In favor a common goal or purpose What are the companys secrets to make employees loyal to the company? What are he common reasons why some employees fail to carry out their tasks? What are the measures you are undertaking? What is the secret behind your companys success? Finally, as a manager, what advice can you give to those aspiring managers? 1 . What is Teamwork to you? 2. What are the activities that you implement to promote Teamwork on your employees? 3. What are the strategies to maintain the bond, relationship, cooperation, and teamwork In your work place? 4. Do opinions, suggestions coming from a member of the team are considered In making decisions? What decision ethos do your organization has? . What kind of workforce diversity do you have? 6. What is the most dominant religion exist in the organization, does the prevailing religion effects the daily organizational activities? 7. What is the composition of your team? Are members come from different departments? 8. Could you cite any team problems in your organization? Do social loafing, lacks of motivation, personality conf licts exist? 9. Could we ask one employee about to whom they always ask for help, and who most often help team, energize and dinnertime them. 10. Give us example when you were part of a team. We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork and Work Force Diversity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork and Work Force Diversity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Teamwork and Work Force Diversity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer What was your role in the teamwork? How did you contribute to this task group? How often did you interact with other team members? 1 1 . What nature of task does the teams in a certain department/unit of your company focus on? Technical demands or Social demands? Or both? How? 12. What was your companys way of formulating a team? Give us examples. 13. Have you ever had an experience where there were Issues or strong disagreement among the team members? What did you do? 14. Are there any cases that Teamwork was not improve your teams communications, skills and decisions? 6. How do you handle work force diversity in the team members composition such as gender, culture, age, disabilities,point of views, religions and the like? 17. How do you maintain the loyalty of your employees here in Disarming Water district? 18. Tell us about your experience working with peers. How did it go? Have you ever faced difficulties and disagreements? 19. Have you been a team leader? Describe your role as a team leader. Tell us about the challenges you faced in trying to resolve issues among team embers. What could you have done to be more effective? 20. Does Teamwork exist in a particular department of our company? How? 21 . Is there any problem/ challenges occurring with the working relationships between employees as a team in a specific unit/department? Give us examples. 22. Does feedbacks from your customers can help the teamwork to enhance and develop? 23. How did you cope up with such issues like water shortage specifically here in Disarming? 24. Are there any cases that Teamwork was not practiced by your employees or by the people in your work place? 5. How do you maintain the loyalty of your employees here in Disarming Water district? 26. When having misunderstanding in the team of production or in a certain area of work, how does the team leader fixed the said problem? How does it affect the production of the team? 27. How can we minimize misunderstanding in a team? How can we reduce the argument inside a team? 28. How does teamwork affect the production of the team? 29. What if the leader is the one who started the mess? And supposed to be the leader is the one who should fixed it? What can you do about it? 30. How can a leader make his team work together? How does the leader make the team as a team not Just people who needs to work together but a work as a team? 31 . For you as a manager, What is the secret behind your companys success? 32. How do you balance the roles of each member? Where did you base it? 33. How do you maintain the team dynamics? How will it affect your team performances? 34. Do you think a conflict is necessary to a team? How does it help your teamwork? 35. What are your team building activities that will help your team have rapport with each other?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fiber Optics Essays - Optical Fiber, Fiber Optics,

Fiber Optics Fiber optics is a branch of optics concerning the transmission of light by means of optical fibers, which are thin strands of glass or other optically transparent materials. Optical fibers can be used to guide light--which is electromagnetic radiation in a certain frequency range--in much the same way that metal wave guides or coaxial cables can be used to guide lower-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Optical Fiber An optical fiber is usually circular in cross section and consists of a core and cladding. An optical fiber for communication applications is typically between about 0.1 and 0.2mm (0.004 and 0.008 in) in diameter. In order that the light waves be guided by the fiber, the core must have a higher index of refraction than the cladding. One such fiber is called a step-index fiber because the index changes abruptly at the interface between the core and the cladding. An important variation of this structure is the graded-index fiber, so called because the index of refraction decreases smoothly outward from the center with no abrupt step. Transmission of Light In the step-index fiber, the light wave is guided by a process called total internal reflection. Only rays that have an angle of incidence at the core-cladding interface greater than the critical angle will be reflected back into the core and thus guided by the fiber. Some rays follow a longer path through the fiber than do others. Thus a pulse of energy entering the fiber undergoes dispersion. This effect limits the bandwidth of the fiber and reduces the amount of information it can transmit. This undesirable feature can be partly overcome by the use of graded-index fibers of proper design. Applications Fiber optics is used in several areas of telecommunications. Advantages of optical fibers include their wide bandwidth, low attenuation, lightness, small cross section, and non-conductivity of electricity. In telephone systems they can provide communication channels to customers and wideband facilities for interconnecting switching offices. Because they are non-conducting, they can be used to provide telecommunications services to locations in electrically hostile environments, such as electric power stations. Because they are completely immune to induced currents from external electromagnetic fields, optical fibers are also useful in environments where electrical noise exists, such as hospitals and factories. Finally, their lightness makes them attractive for use in aircraft and spacecraft as well as in portable communications systems required for tactical military applications. All these properties make them desirable for interconnecting computers and other sophisticated electronic equipment. In communication-system applications, individual fibers usually are used to guide light waves. Other applications employ bundles of fibers. One such application is the transmission of light for illumination. Fibers used for this purpose need not have the cladding or the index gradient of single-fiber light guides because the index step at the glass-air interface serves to guide the light. Another application of fiber bundles is the transmission of images. For this application the fibers must be arranged in the bundle in a coherent fashion. By arranging the locations of the fibers at one end (the output) of the bundle in certain ways with respect to their location at the other end (the input), such functions as magnification, inversion, rotation, distortion, and scrambling of the image can be performed. Bundles of this type can be used for viewing otherwise inaccessible areas, an example being the physician's endoscope. In order to achieve high resolution, fibers with diameters as small as 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) are used in these applications. Fiber bundles are also used in photography, spectroscopy, and image processing.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Washington Views on Factions essays

Washington Views on Factions essays George Washington is the most well-known American in history. The first president of the United States, his portrait has graced the quarter and the one-dollar bill. Our capital city and even a state have borrowed his name. After Washingtons second term as president, he decided not to run for a third term. He wanted to leave the country with some words of wisdom in hopes of guiding the country to longevity without his supervision. One of the most important ideas Washington offered to the country in his Final Address was to stay away from factions. Washington says that although factions are inseperable from our nature, they should be avoided (Farewell Address). Parties form because not only is it human nature to congregate with people of similar interests, but also because a group is more likely to change something in government than a single person is. In Washingtons cabinet, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton constantly feuded because of differing views on the economy and the role of government in general. Washington must surely have realized that parties were forming; it prompted him to write about them in his Farewell Address. Washington thought of the divisions in government in different ways; one way was of sectional disunion. Washington urges that the public should indignantly frown upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our Country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts (Farewell Address). He then speaks of the fact that any kind of sectional thoughts could be harmful to every part of the country. Washington says that the North depends on the South for food, while the South depends on the North for ships to transport their goods. In addition to this, Washington says the West needs goods provided by the East, and the East needs wood from the West (Farewell Address). If any of the sections of the ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sensory Analysis- Food Properties Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sensory Analysis- Food Properties - Assignment Example This technique is the most appropriate because it can analyze each pixel found on every food surface. It can also quantify the characteristics of the food’s surfaces and the defects that can possibly be on that surface. Different foods have different smells. This due to the different types of perfumes used during the manufacture of the foods. The perfumes used can be either natural or artificial. Natural perfumes can extract from natural sources where they are purified before they are added to the food. On the other hand, artificial sources are produced by mixing different naturally produced aroma together. This will produce different smell from the two natural sources (Gacula 2008). The taste cereals vary from one cereal to another. Tastes can be evaluated from sweet, bitter, sour, and salty. This is each cereal tastes differently from each other. This can be due to the natural sources or the different ways in which they are manufactured. Salty taste can be due to the salts added during processing of the cereal in the factory. Sweet taste is mainly caused by addition of sugary flavors to then cereal during manufacturing. Bitter and sour tastes are caused by addition of acidic flavors to then cereal. This will increase the acidic content of the cereal. Organic or inorganic amino acids are the one used to produce the sour tastes to then cereals (Gacula 2008). Color of every food can add flavor to it. Colors have different effects on cereals. Colors like red, can add sweetness to the cereals as compared to the dark colors. Colors also can be used to as a force of attraction to the customers. People are attracted by colors in different ways. When choosing the color to used in a particular food, people’s interests should be considered to ensure that food is highly marketed. One can be attracted by the way food is colored before they even taste that food (Jelen, 2012). Selection of panels to train as